Today I had an impromptu morning off. I thought it was my first day back at work for the school year, but found out after arriving at a locked school that it's actually tomorrow. Oops! I blame mommy brain...
I took advantage of my time by eating breakfast out and going on a pleasure trip to Costco. I picked up sleepers and such for Christmas and birthdays which are coming up and I happened up 2 sets of levelled readers. On impulse I bought them to try with Phoenix. Although she LOVES reading her flash cards, she's been reluctant to read sentences off of pages. She was reluctant again today, but I tried Mommy's turn/Phoenix's turn to see if she would attempt some reading. To my total amazement and delight, it worked! She was a total rock star. She looked at the words and confidently read the ones she already knew. She also looked at NEW words and tried to read those too!
Phoenix hates it when I blatantly videotape her, so I had to leave my phone leaning against the back of the couch to catch this. I'm one proud momma
To be clear, I strongly believe that there is no reason that any child with disabilities like Phoenix cannot learn to read. They can. I love her and of course think she is extraordinary, but other kids with DS can do this too.