Friday, 18 November 2016

Grade 1 update

Life is roaring along and is busy for us all. Phoenix is finally settled into the routine of grade 1, which has taken all this time since school started in Sept. The teacher and aide have noticed a big turn around in Phoenix's willingness to engage in school work and try new or hard tasks. Phoenix started the year reading B level books and has recently moved to C level and last night a D book. I tell her the new/unfamiliar vocabulary and she reads it back to me with the rest of the sentence. We generally have to do "mine turn/your turn" for her to engage and try, but when I do that she is usually more cooperative. Last night I had a hard time getting her to focus because she wanted to talk about the sand and the snow from the books instead.

Despite a 2 year focus on OT and hand strength (which the OT attributes to incredibly bendy hyper flexible hands) Phoenix still cannot write with a pencil at all. They have introduced a AAC iPad for her to type sentences on. I think this is a great move and I am super excited to see what my girl can do to show her knowledge!

Phoenix has recently started to show an intense interest in wearing make up. Which shocks the heck out of me because I don't wear make up at all. Yesterday morning Phoenix went into my bathroom drawer, found an old mascara and tried to put it on her eyes. She's also been going into my bathroom and asking for make up for the last few weeks. Santa IS being asked for make up this year. I know she is 6, and others may not agree with this step, but if she wants to be a little girl and wear make up, I don't see the problem.

Some Halloween Photos

At a recent hearing test Phoenix did an amazing job and still has great hearing (which we suspected was the case)

Saturday play time with Ash L and Wren R while P was at home chilling on her ipad. 

Jen got one nice picture of Wren while out at a DS dinner and dance. 
Look at what a beauty she is destined to be!

And some painting pictures from recently

Ash here, lips pursed in concentration.


  1. Super girl indeed! Sounds like Phoenix is doing wonderfully! All your girls are getting so big!

    1. They are! I can't believe it sometimes, that my babies are gone and that my little girls are only little for such a brief time.
